Salt and Light
Jr. Volleyball
Cost: $60 /semester
Description: Members must be at least in 7 th grade, but 14 or younger as of September 1, 2018. 10th graders who are 14 & under by September 1st may play in either Jr. Volleyball or Sr. Volleyball, enabling the high schooler to take another class during the 2:00 pm hour. If you have any questions about this situation please talk with a coach. This is beginning level volleyball. We have two tournaments, both in the spring in Monroeville, PA. There will be extra practices outside of co-op as tournament time approaches. Game related drills and team play will be incorporated into this team sport. There is an emphasis on Christian sportsmanship; good attitudes are required. Tennis shoes, water bottle, kneepads, and athletic shorts (must have black athletic shorts for the tournament) are required. Game shirts will be provided.
Senior Volleyball
Cost: $60/ semester.
Important: Players should be at least 15 years old by September 1st of the school year, except for 10th graders, who are 14 & under by September 1st of the school year. They may play in either Jr. Volleyball or Sr. Volleyball, enabling the high schooler to take another class during the 2:00 pm hour. If you have any questions about this situation please talk with a coach.
Description: Game-related drills and team play will be incorporated into this team sport. We will compete in two tournaments. There will be extra practices and scrimmages outside of co-op as tournament time approaches. Students will be expected to inform the coaches if they will be missing practice or scrimmages ahead of time.
Supplies Needed: Shorts, t-shirts, gym shoes and socks, no hats, no jewelry, knee pads optional, water bottle. Don't forget to bring a good, teachable attitude and consideration for your fellow team-mates. Wear deodorant! Homework will be a home stretching and strengthening the program.